Preschool is ages 3-5 years old. Our Preschool classroom holds 20 Preschoolers. Our curriculum in Preschool touches on the topics of mathematics, science, gross motor, fine motor, sensory exploration, manipulatives, and so much more. Our circle time includes; our daily morning songs, a song that goes with our weekly topic, gross motor songs, stories, number recognition, letter recognition, how we use letters to make words, feelings, weekly kind actions, stories, and so much more. In Preschool your child will become more independent with throwing away their plate, going potty, working on getting on their own outside gear, and so much more. We strive in helping your child get ready for their first year at the big school!

School Age
Our center is located across from Robinson Elementary. At this time we only take children from Robinson for before and after school care. We accommodate days off and snow days as well.
We also offer a full summer program that the kids help set up every year. We base this on what they are interest in that year. We hit the topics of mathematics, science, gross motor, fine motor, sensory exploration, manipulatives, and so much more in our every day curriculum.